Friday, March 27, 2009

Same stuff, different day....

Not much new in The Dalton household. Work, home, sleep... rinse and repeat.

Luke is will be 2 1/2 next month. I can't believe how much time flies by! His vocabulary and abilities amaze me every day. He's such a smart boy and he knows how to test me. Every time I turn around he is figuring out a new way to do something he knows he shouldn't be. It's so cute to watch his face when he gets caught. Although mom tells me that there will come a day when he will out smart me. HAHA yeah right.....

Anna is a big girl too! She's now officially 6 months old. She has her two front teeth on the bottom and is working on more. She isn't crawling just yet but she's rolling to where she wants to go, it's so cute. I had never seen a baby do that until my Godson Ethan started to. Maybe Anna learned it from him?

This weekend hopefully we are going to get some yard work done. I hope spring is finally hear to stay!! I'd love to take Luke to see his first movie. Monsters vs Aliens is out today. Not sure if he's old enough to sit still long enough or not. So I don't know if we're going to take him or not yet. It looks really cute so I think it would keep his interest for a while at least.

Guess that's all that's new around here! Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big they are already. It seems like just yesterday you had Luke...let alone Anna. They are 2 of the cutest kids. :) You done good sista!
